bag of shrimp with no tails
6-8 tablespoons of butter depending on amount
garlic salt
sea salt
Creole seasoning and/or red pepper or other spicy seasoning
1/2 cup cream cheese to 1 cup depending on amount
Put tortellini in water and bring to boil. While that is heating, melt half of your butter in a skillet on medium heat. Moderately season the butter as it melts with garlic and sea salt. When the butter starts to bubble, add your shrimp and turn the heat down a little. Season ONLY THE SHRIMP with the spicy seasoning, on both sides. Cook the shrimp, stirring and flipping regularly, until the butter is mostly cooked out. Turn the heat down a little more and add the rest of your butter. Then half of your cream cheese. Stir it all up and add more cream cheese, and garlic seasoning, as needed. (I even add shredded Parmesan or Mozzarella sometimes) cheese turn off heat, and let it thicken a little. Drain pasta, load it on a plate, and pour the gooey goodness on top! YES! Sometimes I use a lot of butter and get a golden, thin sauce with a LOT of flavor....just try it. Trust me.